Become a Project Leader
If you would like to experience a new challenge in your life, develop your personal skills and gain experience in managing mentors and young people then becoming a project leader is for you!
We are seeking individuals who are enthusiastic and have a passion for young people.
As a project leader you will:
Develop and grow your leadership and management skills
Receive payment weekly as a project leader in a secondary school
Attend networking events and socials
Gain access to training and programmes hosted by our corporate partners
To find out more information about the role of a project leader download the job description and person specification click here;

To take part you must be willing to commit a minimum of 4 hours per week and be available for training. Individuals who have already worked in the role as a mentor will be fast tracked to the assessment stage.
Join our recruitment day on Februaury 24th 2024. Sign up here;